Thursday, June 4, 2009

Putters Golf

Putters Golf

Putting is probably the most pressurised part of the game of golf. Therefore practise is most important. Who was it that said “Drive for show and Putt for Dough” .You must be confident with your action, judging distance and learning to read the greens. No point getting on the green in two shots on a par 4 and then 3-4 and 5 to putt. Practice, Practice, Practice.

What type of putter? First of all check your friend’s putters and see if any of them suit you inc. the weight and the shape of the putter. Next go to your pro. golf shop. Take your time have a good look around. There is such a large variety of putters on the market from short to very long shafts and all shapes and size of heads. Sometimes the handle of the putter is flat to suit the way a golfer holds the club. When you see a few different ones you might like, ask that you try them out; usually they have a putting matt for that purpose. Don’t buy for show, that is stupid it has to suit you otherwise its pointless and waste of money.

A great product for all putters golf, on the market called “Amazing Golf Mind! by Andrew Scott.” It is a down loadable Audio. You will also get Free a short game audio. It is well worth having a look at, and reasonable price.

Some Putting Tips:
• Have your toe stance parallel to your target.
• Read the break.
• Target line is not always straight to the hole could be left or right of the hole depending on the break.
• Curved putts aim feet parallel to line chosen.
• Bend yourself over to putt, putter behind ball and stance.
• The speed to hit the ball. Practise on practise putting green.
• Try not to leave ball short of the hole, it’s the one guarantee of not getting in the hole.
• The firmer you hit the ball the less chance of bad breaks.
• Companion putting before you. Watch the speed of the green and what breaks there are.
• Don’t move your head or look up when putting, wait well after hitting the ball.
For some more very good suggestions on the subject check out Andrew Scott! he is good

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