Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Beginners Golf – How to Avoid Slow Play

Slow Play.
One of the most annoying problems on the golf course has to be slow play, you don’t have to rush play just make sure to keep the play moving. Some tips to follow on beginners golf.

Tee Box:
Be always ready to play as soon as it is your turn to tee off, as soon as you have completed your shot and your partners have completed theirs walk briskly to your golf ball.

While waiting to take your shot, while your partner is taking their shot think and study your shot and therefore be ready immediately to play as soon as it’s your turn. Remember to repair that divot. An e-book you should look at to help you with your swing and many more aspects of the game called Pure Point Golf! by Bobby Eldridge, which also includes a free DVD, have a look.

If you happen to play into the rough, and your ball is hidden, you should immediately direct the players behind you to play through. It prevents the frustration and annoyance of the players behind you. Remember don’t get too upset at arriving in the rough as even the golf pros. get into the rough and some times loose their ball.Think on this by directing the players behind you through, it then gives you more time to search for your ball.

Repairing your marks and others you may find, do so briskly. Be sure to leave the bunker as you would wish to find it.

Card Marking:
When marking your card or which it will be your partner’s card you will be marking, don’t stand on the green to do so, wait until you are waiting to take your next tee shot. Also when especially at having completed the 18th and final hole, shake hands with your partners, but don’t check or mark your card until you are well clear of the 18th hole.

Players behind You:
Be ever conscious if you are slowing up play and there is a clear hole ahead of you; remember to wave the players behind you through.

While you are waiting for your partner to complete their shot, be thinking and preparing in your mind as to how you are going to play your shot, and therefore be ready immediately to play your shot. The e-book i mentioned earlier called. "Pure Point Golf!" by Bobby Eldridge, with the free DVD dont forget to take a look at it.

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